When We Met Page 14
I twirled the pasta around my fork. “Sleep, hopefully see Caleb, and more sleep.”
“Have you heard from him today?”
“Just a few texts this afternoon when he was between meetings.” I took out my phone from the pocket of my scrubs and checked my messages. “Nothing since.”
She was silent, so I glanced at her after another mouthful, seeing that she had pulled the blanket up past her nose, covering almost all of her face. I knew her far too well; she was hiding something.
“Spill it, sister.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Emily Miles, what aren’t you telling me?”
She lifted her face high, showing me a grin that was wickedly devilish. “Go look in your room.”
I tried to think what could be in there. “Why?”
“Stop trying to play detective and just trust me.”
Using the last bit of energy I had left, I pushed myself up from the couch and rushed into my room, flipping on the light as I entered. On my bed was a small card with my name written on the front along with at least two-dozen long-stemmed red roses.
“Oh my God,” I breathed.
My fingers went to my chest, holding my heart, as it felt like it was going to burst. With my free hand, I picked up the flowers, the plastic sleeve they were in crinkling while I pressed the soft, velvety petals to my nose.
“Dreamy, right?” Emily said from the doorway.
I was lost in the smell, an aroma that drowned out the antibacterial gel I’d practically bathed in during my shift and the hospital stench that stuck to every part of me.
I turned around and faced her. “They’re stunning.” I took another whiff, leaving my face buried in their beauty. “Were they delivered?”
She nodded toward the card. “Open it, silly.”
I filled my lungs one last time and set down the flowers to peel back the flap of the envelope. Caleb’s initials were embossed on the front of the thick navy stock. His thin, all capital letters filled the white space inside.
It’s time to get you out of the city. New Hampshire wasn’t nearly far enough.
Pack a suitcase and dress for the heat.
I’ll see you at eight tomorrow morning.
Sweet dreams,
P.S. My guess is that roses aren’t your favorite flower, but when I saw these, the shape of the petals reminded me of your lips, and the softness felt just like your skin. Therefore, I had to buy them.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to marry that man,” Emily said.
I looked up, feeling my eyes widen, my head shaking in awe. “I’m overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.”
She handed me my beer; I hadn’t realized she’d been holding it. “You see, Whit, that’s why he’s crazy about you.” She took ahold of my ponytail and twirled it around her finger. “I would imagine the women that Caleb’s dated in the past expected all kinds of fancy things, given that the dude is clearly loaded. Like shoes with red bottoms and LV stitched into everything. You, on the other hand, die over flowers and eggplant parm. Trust me, babe, he’s overwhelmed by your humbleness.” Her hand stilled as she looked at my hair. “If he saw you right now on day three of dry shampoo, reeking of antiseptic, he’d probably sweep you off your feet instead of throwing you in the shower, where you belong.”
“Stop. I’m exhausted, and the tears will come very easily at this point.” Moving the beer out of the way, I wrapped my arms around Emily, hugging her as tightly as I could. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’ll never have to find out.” She squeezed me just as hard. “Now, text dreamy man and tell him you’ll be packed and ready to go in the morning, so he knows I delivered, like I’d promised.” She leaned back to look at my face. “Do you have any idea how hard it was not to open that card? Especially because he wouldn’t tell me what he had planned, for fear that I’d spill the goods.”
“You might not be able to keep a secret from me, but you’d never ruin a good surprise.”
There was movement in her jaw, like she was grinding her teeth together, and then it was gone when she laughed. “Oh, girl, you’ve got that right.” She walked to my doorway, clinging to the frame. “I have a really good feeling about this one.”
My chest tightened. “You’ve never said that before.”
She was quiet for a second, as though she were thinking about her answer—something Emily rarely did. “You guys met under some pretty unique circumstances, and then our whole city was immediately thrown the most tragic curveball. If that’s not fate showing her finest colors, I don’t know what is.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“I never am.” She winked and checked her watch. “An episode of Housewives and a slice of cake are shouting my name. Get changed and showered and meet me out there?”
I smiled and whispered, “See you in a few.”
When she was gone, I took out my phone and stared at the screen. A text was too impersonal. Caleb needed to hear my voice and how grateful I was for his gifts. I found his name in my Contacts, and two rings followed before he answered.
“Hi, beautiful.”
His words shimmied down my neck and into my stomach, rising up to my chest. “I feel like every time we talk, I’m thanking you for something amazing that you did for me.”
“You deserve it.”
I took a seat on my bed, pulling the flowers into my arms, rubbing the silky petals. “Caleb, the roses are positively exquisite, and your card …” I took a breath, waiting for my heart to settle. “I’m blown away. I don’t even know what to say.”
“Say you’ll be outside your building at eight.”
As I thought of his request to dress for the heat, my eyes closed for just a moment. I could already feel the sun on my skin, drying away this cold, emotionally heavy spring.
“Of course I’ll be there.”
“You’ve just made me a very happy man.”
My face flushed as I thought of his mouth, the hunger in those deep ocean-blue eyes. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
He chuckled, the sound slightly gritty and so masculine. I closed my lids again and drank in the noise.
“Bring plenty of bathing suits. I’ll see you tomorrow, Whitney.”
I smiled. “I can’t wait.”
“Wow,” I gasped from the backseat of the SUV as we stopped in front of a massive house that was situated at the end of a hidden driveway, surrounded by lush, tropical palm trees. “This is heaven.”
Caleb’s arm was around my shoulders, his lips pressed to my cheek. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
But I’d already seen things I had never experienced, like the Florida sun and the first-class seats on the plane down to Tampa. I also knew this place had to hold some type of significance, or he wouldn’t have brought me here for our first trip. For that reason, I paid special attention to the details—the Mediterranean style of the house, the terra-cotta pillars that framed the door. The way the sunlight sparkled across the tiled roof and white stucco, similar to pictures I had seen of Italy.
Once the SUV parked, the driver opened our door, and we climbed out. Caleb brought me up the front steps, producing a key from his pocket, and led us inside. It was so warm out that the air-conditioning felt like a freezer the moment we stepped in. My eyes rose straight to the ceiling, and I was taken aback by its height.
“Oh my God,” I whispered as I walked in a little deeper, finding the glass that spanned the whole back of the home, running as tall as the ceiling and showing the most incredible ocean view I had ever seen.
I took a quick scan of the rest of the space, completely open, like his condo in Boston, the walls of glass another sign that helped draw my conclusion.
I turned toward him, his eyes already on me. “This is yours, isn’t it?”
He nodded. “My grandparents lived in this town when I w
as a kid, and we visited several times a year before they passed away. Something about Tampa always felt very comfortable to me, and when I saw this house online, the day after the bombing, I bought it. I closed yesterday, and you’re the first person to even know about the purchase.”
I exhaled so quietly that I was sure he couldn’t hear me, but I needed the few seconds to calm what was happening in my body. “Thank you for bringing me.”
He held my cheek, his thumb brushing near my lips. “Whitney, you’re about to see a whole different side of me.”
He wasn’t accounting for his many layers, ones I was sure he wasn’t even aware of, but I still asked, “What does that entail?”
“Adrenaline.” He breathed me in for a kiss, the temperature of his mouth as steamy as it was outside. “I love how you react to my surprises. Now, I want to see how adventure looks on your face.”
After the driver brought in our bags, Caleb left me for just a moment to tip him, and once we were alone, he grabbed my hand and brought me to the sliding door and out onto the patio. There were several seating areas and a large firepit along with an infinity pool that backed up to the ocean’s edge. From there, a dock ran along the side of the property with a large black boat tied to it. The color alone made me assume it was Caleb’s, as his entire Boston home was decorated in the same shade.
“Florida looks gorgeous on you,” he said.
A blush moved across my cheeks as our eyes met again, and it definitely wasn’t from the heat. “I can’t believe this is all yours. It feels like we’re on our own island.”
He surrounded my face, his lips hovering over me. “I’m going to show you the world, places even more beautiful than here.” When he kissed me, there was a dominance in his movements, an intensity that dragged me even closer. “And I can’t wait to watch you smile each time.”
“Caleb, this smile has nothing to do with Florida. It’s all because of you, the happiness you make me feel.”
His hands lowered until they were on my ass, and he lifted me into the air, as though I were weightless, wrapping my legs around his waist. “Let’s get you in a bathing suit. It’s time to tan this pasty New England skin.”
I laughed, circling my arms over his shoulders, and kissed him as he carried me inside, unable to go another second without the feel of his mouth on mine.
“This is unreal,” I moaned as the blackened grouper hit my tongue. I dipped my fork into the creamy risotto and added that in as well. “And it just keeps getting better with each bite.”
“Florida has some exceptional fish,” Caleb said, watching me.
This was our second evening here, and after eating at his favorite restaurant last night, he had hired a private chef to cook for us tonight, enjoying the meal on his patio. The setting sun was dancing across the ocean, the color reflecting the brilliance of the sky. The clouds were thin whispers cast in a baby-pink backdrop, mixed with magenta, a fall orange, and highlighter yellow. After each mouthful, I found myself looking up at it, seeing something new each time.
“You were made to live in the sun,” Caleb said, holding his wine, a lazy smile spreading across that handsome face.
The humidity was strong. Instead of fighting it, I’d let my hair air-dry after the shower; my natural curls that I always straightened were lying in waves across my back. The maxi dress showed the tan lines I’d earned from our afternoon of parasailing, my cheeks so sun-kissed that I hadn’t added more than a little mascara and gloss to my face.
“I do love it,” I answered, “and living somewhere warm all the time would be wonderful, but I have to admit something …” I wiped the corners of my mouth before I continued, “Growing up, I never wanted to stay in Vermont, and whenever I go home to visit, I can’t fall asleep unless there’s noise blaring in the background, like the honking and ambulances I hear from our apartment.”
“Downtown Tampa has similar sounds.”
I shook my head. “I want to see the world more than anything. I want to taste my way through each country. That’s my passion, my dream. But my heart belongs to Boston; it’s the only place I’ve ever wanted to live.” I thought of the hallways I ran down each shift, patients still recuperating from that horrific day. “It has a lot of healing to do, and it needs my help.” My voice lowered. “It needs all of us.”
He reached across the table, the weight of his fingers landing on me. “I’m one lucky son of a bitch to be able to call you mine.”
We’d never had that conversation, but we didn’t need to. This moment belonged to Caleb, and so did I.
“I’m the lucky one.”
His thumb rubbed across the back of my palm. “When our eyes connected at that bar, I knew.” His stare was reaching through me, the same way it had that day. “We don’t have years of history between us, and there’s still so much we need to learn about each other, but forever is a word that has been haunting me since we met.”
My chest pounded with emotion. “That day was fate.” I took a breath. “I believe that, Caleb, and I believe in forever too.”
I didn’t know what the future would look like. Most of my days were spent running that grueling hamster wheel to nowhere, wishing I could fall off and find true happiness in my career, the hospital sucking everything out of me. But I trusted my gut more than anything; therefore, I knew there was a reason this man was sitting across from me, and I knew it was time to give my heart to someone other than Boston.
He rose from the table and came over to my side, helping me stand. He hauled me against his muscular frame, an intense power holding us together, nothing capable of invading. Tingles erupted through me as his tongue slowly slid over mine, his mouth owning each of my movements.
When he pulled away, I could still feel him.
“Come on. Let’s go for a drive.”
He linked his fingers through my grip and led us around the pool and down to the grass. Just as I was about to ask why we weren’t headed out front, I realized he was referring to the boat. I’d been admiring the vessel since we had arrived. The shiny black exterior and white seats were so sleek and modern, extremely masculine and sexy, just like Caleb.
“The Office,” I read as we reached the back, the name printed in large letters.
“Fitting, isn’t it? Fun, naughty, and very creative.”
I laughed. “You need to elaborate; I’m lost.”
He stepped on first, holding out his hand for me to grab, and I carefully crossed the open space and entered.
“People assume my job is nothing more than a formula, plugging numbers into the computer, watching my clients’ money rise and fall. Some of that is true, but managing wealth takes creativity and balls and a hell of a lot of self-confidence. You have to learn to trust yourself, like you’re on the water, in the roughest winds and the highest seas.”
He turned on the engine, and a humming vibrated through the floor. Blue lights filled the interior and illuminated the ocean around us.
He sat behind the wheel, and I chose the seat across from his, taking in the scents and sights from down here. There was something about being in the waves that made me feel closer to the sky.
As music began to play through the speakers, I looked at him and said, “Explain to me where the naughty fits in.”
He laughed. “I have seven hundred and fifty horsepower on the back of this baby.” He drove away from the dock, going slow as we moved across the channel.
“I have no idea what that means.”
“You will once you see how fast this goes.”
Even with all the beauty around us, I couldn’t stop focusing on Caleb, at his concentration while he steered us, at the way the breeze flowed through his hair, revealing all the angles of his face.
My breath halted when our eyes connected; he’d caught me staring at him.
A smile crossed his charming lips, and he said, “Whitney, it’s time to hold on.”
I grabbed the handlebar on my left side, my arm braced around the back of the chair
, and within only a second, it felt like the wind was taking me away.
When Caleb finally slowed down the boat, there wasn’t a part of me that wasn’t windblown. My hair had turned wild, and my laughter was out of control, my smile reaching all the way to my ears. Aside from being in an airplane, I’d never felt speed like that before, and I was beginning to understand his love for adrenaline. Whether I was in the air, parasailing; or in his car, rushing down the New Hampshire interstate; or hauling across the ocean, it brought me to a place where nothing mattered aside from having fun. Where everything around me melted away.
Except for him.
The sky had darkened, the blue interior lights showing the glow of his fingers as they reached across my thigh. “What do you think?”
“Oh, I just fell in love with boating. Hard.”
He laughed. “My girl.”
He took us toward an inlet that was surrounded by tall trees, ending with a small strip of sand. We didn’t go as far as the beach, stopping quite a distance before. The boat idled as he opened a compartment, taking out a large anchor that he dropped overboard.
“I found this spot last year when the boys and I were down here, vacationing. It’s a perfect place to watch the sunset.”
“It’s too bad we missed it.”
He came closer, lifting the bottom of his shirt, tossing it on one of the seats. He slid out of his flip-flops and shorts, leaving on just his boxer briefs. “Up for a swim?”
Even though the black water was extremely intimidating, there was no way I could refuse that offer.
“Of course,” I answered and glanced down the front of my dress, realizing something very quickly. “I don’t have a bra on under this.”
“I know.” His thumb traced my cheek, goose bumps spreading with each swipe. “I wouldn’t have brought you here if there was a reason to worry.” He was slowly lifting the dress over my head, tossing it onto his clothes. “Mmm, no panties either.” When his eyes met mine again, he added, “Trust me, no one is going to see what’s mine.”